021: Gratitude Marketing with Lori Saitz of Zen Rabbit

Gratitude Marketing

Lori Saitz

Sometimes we just don’t say “Thank You” often enough. There have been several marketing books written in recent years about what Gary Vaynerchuk termed “The Thank You Economy”

In  episode #21 of ACT LOCAL Marketing, we speak with gratitude marketing expert, Lori Saitz.

Lori Saitz is a nationally recognized expert in using gratitude to boost client retention and increase referral business. She is the founder of Zen Rabbit, which is a concierge type company specializing in “multiplying profits through sweet appreciation”. Lori works with busy professionals to make it easy for them to keep more of their customers for longer by saying thank you to them. What’s become known as The Gratitude Cookie™ is the main tool used to do that.

Lori’s reputation for going above and beyond on behalf of her clients is well known. She has more than 20 years of experience in marketing and communications. Immediately prior to launching Zen Rabbit, Lori worked as a radio personality in the West Palm Beach and Treasure Coast markets. She has served as a pre-GED teacher and an adult literacy tutor and is a strong proponent for increasing literacy worldwide.

In addition to running Zen Rabbit, she coaches start up food entrepreneurs. In her “spare” time, you can find her at the gym or the library or seeking new finds in clothes or gourmet foods.

Contact Lori at ZenRabbit.com and on Facebook at Facebook.com/ZenRabbit

Tweet me during the show @kalynnamadio and use the hashtag #ACTLOCALMarketing to join the conversation.

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016: Small Business Trends 2013 with Laurie McCabe of SMB Group

Small Business Trends 2013

Laurie McCabe

In this highly anticipated Episode #16 of ACT LOCAL we speak with Laurie McCabe about Mobile, the Cloud and Social Marketing in the Small to Mid sized business space.

Laurie McCabe brings more than 20 years of experience in the IT industry to her current role as Partner at SMB Group. Laurie has earned widespread recognition for her capabilities and insight in the SMB market in several areas, including cloud computing, mobile solutions, business solutions, social networking and collaboration, and managed services.

Prior to SMB Group, Laurie worked in analyst roles as a Partner at Hurwitz & Associates; Vice President of SMB Insights & Solutions at AMI-Partners; and Vice President at Summit Strategies, where her original research of the emerging cloud computing model earned her broad recognition as a thought leader in this area. Laurie’s nine years at Digital Equipment Corporation, including her last role as Director of Market and Competitive Intelligence, provide her with critical experience from the vendor perspective.

Laurie is frequently quoted in leading business and trade publications, and has been a featured speaker at many industry and vendor events, as well as contributor to SmallBusinessComputing.com. She is a 2011 Small Business Influencer Champion and a winner of the 2012 SMB 150 Awards, and she blogs often at http://lauriemccabe.com/.

You can also find Laurie on Twitter @LaurieMcCabe and at the SMB Group website

Tweet me during the show @kalynnamadio and use the hashtag #ACTLOCALMarketing to join the conversation.

013: Pervasive Communications with Fred McClimans

Pervasive Communications

Fred McClimans

Fred is a business strategist and advisor, with a diverse background and experience that ranges from startups to executive board rooms, and from small businesses to global enterprises. He’s here on Episode #13 of ACT LOCAL to discus pervasive communications.

Throughout his career, Fred has helped businesses become more competitive, adapt to changes in technology and market trends, and better serve the needs of their customers.

He accomplishes this by working directly with organizations to develop innovative opportunity-oriented strategies that leverage strong corporate branding, emerging technologies, and changes in consumer behavior to their advantage.

In addition to his work at firms such as Gartner, Ernst & Young and Newbridge Networks, Fred is also a start-up veteran, including the global competitive intelligence firm Current Analysis, which he launched to provide rapid, actionable insights and analysis about market events for business, consumer and financial organizations.

Over the course of his career, Fred has worked within a number of different industries, and helped guide a wide range of organizations, from local businesses to global enterprises.  He often shares his insights as a frequent speaker and guest on radio and online media programs. He has also authored a book on communications infrastructure and has been widely published as an editorial analyst, covering current events and long-term global trends through outlets such as IDG and CNN Online.

He is also an executive committee member of IntelliFest, an international conference on Applied AI technologies.

You can reach Fred at his blog-site, fredmcclimans.com and follow him on Twitter @fredmcclimans

Tweet me during the show @kalynnamadio and use the hashtag #ACTLOCALMarketing to join the conversation.