079: Product Development and Entrepreneurs – Megan Tull

product development

Megan Tull

Today’s guest is going to help us with product development among other things. There is a need for products or programs to sell if you are a service provider. Having actual products will allow you to leverage your intellectual property. After all, that’s what you’re selling people, right?

Megan Tull is a wife, a mother of three and an entrepreneur. She currently owns two companies, Silverlining Concepts, LLC and Ultimate Bodies Pilates. Megan is an Entrepreneur Success Strategist, a Transformational Leader, Speaker, Author, a Certified Life Coach and a Comprehensively Trained Certified Peak Pilates Instructor. She is the creator and host of the globally recognized Step Into Success Summit for Women Entrepreneurs.

Megan has been an entrepreneur for over 25 years and has built 7 businesses from the ground up, so she knows a thing or two about business. She has also helped 1000’s of small business owners reach their financial goals. She customizes personalized packages to assist individuals in transforming their mind, their businesses and their lives. Her specialty and her passion is to empower individuals to own their value to they can share their gifts and get paid generously for it! Megan also teaches her clients how to live authentic, joyful lives focusing on self-care life balance and life purpose.

She is currently writing a book, that encompasses much of the work she assists her clients with called “The Passion Belief Method – Own Your Value and Earn Your Worth”. She’s so excited to be fulfilling one of her lifelong dreams by writing this book. The book is expected to be out in Fall of 2014. To learn more about Megan and her work, visit: www.megantull.com

Product Development and Entrepreneurs – Megan Tull

Tweet me during the show @kalynnamadio and use the hashtag #ACTLOCALMarketing to join the conversation.
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078: Build a Buyer Persona – Market Research – Fred McClimans

market research

Fred McClimans

The big guys often use market research to feed their marketing machine. One great use of market data is building a buyer persona.

Fred McClimans is a business and market advisor, with a diverse background and experience that ranges from startups to executive board rooms and from small businesses to global enterprises.

Fred McClimans is the Managing Director of the McClimans Group, a firm helps businesses uncover and understand the voice of their customers, their competitors and their market, developing business, product and digital marketing strategies that strengthen their brand and market position. Fred is also a Principle in the Intelligist Group, a consultancy that helps develop brands through advocacy and community engagement.

Over the course of his career, Fred has worked within a number of different industries, and helped guide a wide range of organizations, from local businesses to global enterprises. In addition to his work at firms such as Gartner and Ernst & Young, Fred is also a start-up veteran, including the global market intelligence and analyst firm Current Analysis, which he founded in the late 1990’s to provide real-time analysis and insights on trends and events in the digital technology and services markets.

Some of his recent clients include ESPN, where he assisted with social fan engagement strategies, and Clarabridge, a leader in the Customer Experience Management market, where he helped infuse an element of customer-centric understanding into their business and marketing strategy.

Build A Buyer Persona – Market Research – Fred McClimans

Also mentioned on this Episode is Hubspot

You can reach Fred at his blog-site, fredmcclimans.com and follow him on Twitter @fredmcclimans

Tweet me during the show @kalynnamadio and use the hashtag #ACTLOCALMarketing to join the conversation.

Remember to SUBSCRIBE on iTunes! ACT LOCAL Marketing welcomes your comments and email.

077: Guerrilla Publicity Crash Course – Jill Lublin

guerrilla publicity

Jill Lublin

You’re getting a Guerrilla Publicity Crash Course today with guest Jill Lublin. Jill is an international speaker on the topics of Radical Influence, Publicity, Networking and referrals. She is the author of 3 Best Selling books including Get Noticed…Get Referral” (McGraw Hill) and co-author of Guerrilla Publicity (Adams Media) and Networking Magic (Morgan James). Jill is a master strategist on how to position your business for more profitability and more visibility in the marketplace. She is CEO of a strategic consulting firm and has over 20 years experience working with over 100,000 people plus national and international media. Jill teaches Crash Course in Publicity as both live events and live webinars and consults and speaks all over the world. To learn more about Jill and her work, visit: jilllublin.com

Episode 077: Guerrilla Publicity Crash Course with Jill Lublin

Tweet me during the show @kalynnamadio and use the hashtag #ACTLOCALMarketing to join the conversation.

Remember to SUBSCRIBE on iTunes! ACT LOCAL Marketing welcomes your comments and email.

Check out this interview for even more PR insights

075: Local Business Marketing In The Trenches – Vicky Lyashenko

local business marketing

Vicky Lyashenko

Local Business Marketing in the trenches is changing every day (and sometimes seems like every hour). Small business and local business marketing professionals like Vicky Lyashenko know what’s working and what’s passé which saves you time and money chasing the wrong white rabbit.

Vicky Lyashenko is a wife, mom, speaker, and trainer. She helps and empowers local business owners to implement social media, email marketing, and word of mouth marketing to stand out online and create a raving customer base. Vicky has built a successful consulting business – Small Business Gal, based on the principals she teaches. To learn more about Vicky and her work, visit: SmallBusinessGal.com

Local Business Marketing In The Trenches

Tweet me during the show @kalynnamadio and use the hashtag #ACTLOCALMarketing to join the conversation.

Remember to SUBSCRIBE on iTunes! ACT LOCAL Marketing welcomes your comments and email.

074: Social Media Marketing on LinkedIn with Melonie Dodaro

social media marketing

Melonie Dodaro

Social Media Marketing on LinkedIn can be a natural extension of your professional networking efforts when you know the inside tricks from Melonie Dodaro.

Melonie Dodaro is the founder of Top Dog Social Media, a company that helps businesses, professionals and sales teams leverage social media and social selling to boost their visibility, attract more leads and clients and put more revenue in their pipeline.

She has trained sales teams all across North America on LinkedIn and advanced social selling techniques. These are the same tactics being used by the biggest companies on the planet that have implemented social selling practices with outstanding results.

She is regarded by the media as Canada’s #1 LinkedIn expert and Social Media Examiner has listed her blog as one of Top 10 Social Media Blogs of 2014. Melonie travels internationally to speak at both industry and corporate conferences.

Slideshare of great LinkedIn profiles as mentioned in the Podcast:

Melonie on LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/meloniedodaro

Melonie on Twitter: https://twitter.com/meloniedodaro

Social Media Marketing on LinkedIn with Melonie Dodaro

Tweet me during the show @kalynnamadio and use the hashtag #ACTLOCALMarketing to join the conversation.

Remember to SUBSCRIBE on iTunes! ACT LOCAL Marketing welcomes your comments and email.

[Tweet “Social Media Marketing “Do” have a current professional
headshot and more tips from @MelonieDodaro on #podcast interview”]

061: Customer Service Trends 2014 w/ Alan Berkson of Freshdesk

Customer Service Trends 2014

Alan Berkson

I’m always happy when my good friend Alan Bekson has time for ACT LOCAL Marketing and this week Alan shares what he sees as the most important Customer Service Trends 2014.

Alan Berkson is Director of Community Outreach for SaaS customer support company Freshdesk. He blogs and speaks about technology, digital media, and customer service based on his deep experience across Main Street, Wall Street and the United Nations, and as a pioneer in the managed services business in the SMB market.

You’ll learn about customer service options in the cloud and I even share my 8 Tips for Great Customer Service all on Episode 61.

Customer Service Trends 2014 – Episode 61

Tweet me about the show @kalynnamadio and use the hashtag #ACTLOCALMarketing to join the conversation.

Remember to SUBSCRIBE on iTunes! ACT LOCAL Marketing welcomes your comments and email.